Thanks for your reply.
Now cherry blossoms are full-blown, so fantastic. You can imagine how beautiful these are. I missed them for two consecutive years because of work abroad. So I am enjoying Hanami (seeing flowers) this year.
The Expo is being held until 25 September. I am going there from this week. OK, I am sure I will take some photos and inform you how it is. But I am not sure whether I have time to visit other pavilions. Let me know if you have any interesting places. I will try to go there.
I found other photos taken at the refugee camp. It is located in Afghanistan border , very conservative area. Osama bin Ladin might be hiding somewhere near. We were sometimes saying such a joke.

It is very dry and hot, always beyond forty degrees when I was there. However even we have to put on their traditional clothes with scarves not allowed to wear half sleeves or skirts. We must be tough, but it sounds interesting, doesn't it?

So I send some. If it is too heavy to receive, I am sorry.
Have a good time!



I am not sure exactly which camp it is. We were running five clinics at a few camps, two of them were in Pakistan side and other three were in Afghanistan side. Our base was located in northeast Pakistan, named Chaman. It is a typical frontier town, smuggling is one of the main occupation, most of people are Afghani including former Tariban solders. It takes just 10min to the border. We used to cross there everyday to go to the town named Spin Boldak in Afghanistan. When we drive straight for 2.5 hours, we reach Kandahar. I think the road & mountain on that picture is between Chaman and Quetta(the capital of its province) in Pakistan. There many steep mountain roads and magnificent landscapes like that. I heard that we can see snow there in winter.
Now I really miss there writting this email.