I arrived in Nigeria and of July and started the work. I am staying at the
town named Katsina, it is located northwest of Nigeria. We are more than
ten volunteers working together, French, Australian, Argentine,

We started Theraputic Feedin Center for malnourished children two weeks ago
and have already admitted more than 200 children taking care of them
24hours. Many of them are just like skeletons and a few cases of death
every day. I feel very sorry for them.

It is estimeted that there are about 6000 malnourished children after
measles out break in this area. It means a big emergency. We will accept
more children to our center and start mobile activity to care for children
who are living remote areas.

So you can imagine we are very busy everyday from eary morning untill
night, so far we can not have time to do other things but the work.
Everybody has been working without any day off.
But I am fine so far. Life condition here is OK, better than in Darfur,
Sudan. Food is also no problem but sometimes we miss eating because of a
lot of work.

It is my first day off today since I left Japan 29th of Jun. I am enjoying
it with reading emailing.
This is my life in Nigeria.

I heard that some explosions happened in London this week. I do not know
the detail about that. But it is sad new.
At the morment I can not open my original email address but at least use
hot mail address.

I am looking forward to hering from you soon.


Thanks for mails.
I am fine but little bit tired.
Number of children who we admitted our center is bigger and bigger, it
means we are more busy. Honestly we do not have any time to do other things
due to too much work.
I go to the towm is located the border to Niger every week to follow up
children after dischege.
My work is very fun but you know it is too busy. That is a problem.
I am trying my best. Anyway I am fine.
Let me know when you find new articles on Nigeria or Niger.



I am sorry that I have not written email for long time.
I am fine and still busy everyday.
We have already admitted more than 4000 malunorished children.
The situation here is changing, number of new admissions for our center is
decreasing, it means that it is getting better. So now we can take one day
off par week at least. Anyway my mission will finish soon. I am stll not
sure when I will leave here, maybe I will arrive in Paris at the end of
September and leave for Japan on first or second of October. I need a
holiday after that.

I heard that the Big cyclone hit somewhere in USA. Is it not in Florida? I
am just worry about it.
